alpha + theta brainwaves through sound healing

Dis-harmony in the energetic field leads to dis-ease in your body which in turn becomes disease. Through sound healing sound is able to move through the body to release stagnation, blockages, and bring your 'energy field' into balance. Of course this is just half of removing the blockage in your energy field. The second part in healing is to recognize what thought patterns or unresolved emotions you are holding onto that is creating this blockage. If shifts in your thoughts, feelings, and emotions are not made from within you will easily go back into creating blockages in your energy field which will in turn become dis•ease.


Through sound you can maintain a high frequency which is SOOO important as mainstream media is created to bring fear and lower your vibration. Through sound healing your brain waves go from Beta to Alpha + Theta.


When your brain waves are in beta (12 TO 38 HZ)  this is the ‘ fast paced’ every day life on the go.  Beta brainwaves are present in our normal waking state of consciousness.

Beta brainwaves dominate our normal waking state of consciousness when attention is directed towards cognitive tasks and the outside world.


When your brain waves slow down to alpha (8 TO 12 HZ) which take place during some meditate states but usually during flowing thoughts, being present in ‘the now’.


When your brain waves slow down to Theta waves (3 TO 8 HZ) this will occur during our sleep and in deep meditation. As your brain waves slow down to Theta here is where you access your subconscious mind to reprogram anything that you are holding onto from fears, worries, stress and outdated thought patterns. In Theta it will feel like you are in a dream. Here is where we also receive messages, intuitive downloads, connection to different realms.


It is in this place in Theta as well that your autonomic nervous system turns on which is your body‘s natural ability to heal which also increases parasympathetic activation. Through sound healing you have the power to take control of your health, your immunity, mind, body and spirit.


unwavering trust